First Concerned First Argument


Samira's kick didn't affect Ahan's at all. But after hearing that letter, he definitely realized that it was because of him that she had to face humiliation in front of everyone. He was still standing there thinking about all this when the professor came to the class and asked everyone to go to their seats.

Everyone in the whole class was talking about that incident. Ahan also couldn't focus on anything in the whole class and kept thinking about Samira.

'But I really didn't know that that letter was for me. I didn't even read it. When I saw the letter in my novel with her name, I thought that when our novels were exchanged, her letter must have been left in my book, how woukd i know she had kept that letter there, that too for me".

He was really feeling very bad. The whole time he was just looking towards the door.

As soon as the class was over, he came out and started looking here and there. His eyes were searching for her.

After looking for some time, he stopped.

“Just a minute! Why am I looking for her? Whatever happened wasn't my fault. Whatever happened, happened unknowingly. Why should it matter to me? No no Ahan, it shouldn't matter to you”. Thinking all this, he went back to the library.

There Diya was looking for Samira after finishing her society work, but she wasn't able to find her anywhere. She was not even picking up her phone. At first she thought that maybe Samira must have gone to PG for some reason, but she did not find her at PG either. Diya was now getting worried, it was almost evening since morning but there was no trace of her. She called Arjun worried.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Diya asked, “Hello! Arjun where are you? And is Samira with you?”

“I am at home, and no Samira isn't with me, I did not come to college today, why, what happened?”

Diya said very sadly, “I don’t know where Samira has gone, she is neither picking up the phone nor is she anywhere, it’s evening, now I am very worried about her friend”.

Arjun understood that the matter was serious because Diya is who is either happy or angry all the time. He left for college immediately. After reaching college, he went to Diya and asked, “Did you ask anyone about her, someone must have seen her?”

“No, no one knows. I don’t know where she went without telling anyone”.

Arjun took out his phone from his pocket and said, “I will ask Ahan, you check the canteen once again, the canteen will be closed in a while”.

He called Ahan. He was in the library, so he came out to receive the call. “Hello! Ahan where are you?”

“I am in the library.” Sensing the worry in his voice, Ahan asked him, “Why, what happened? Did you have some work?”

“Yes! I wanted to ask if you have seen Samira? She is missing since morning, and is not even picking up the phone.”

On hearing Arjun, Ahan pen fell on the ground. He asked him in surprise, “Missing? What do you mean she is missing?”

“Missing means she is not found, if you are free, then come to the garden quickly and help us find Samira .” Saying this, Arjun disconnected the phone.

Ahan was very worried about Samira because he knew why she had run away.

“But it has been 7 hours since that incident, now it is 5 in the evening. She has not come back yet? But where did she go?” With all these thoughts in his mind, Ahan quickly gathered his books, put them in his bag and ran towards the garden.

He asked Arjun going near him. “Did you find out anything?”

Arjun shook his head in denial. Meanwhile,Diya also came there and said, “Yaar! She is not even in the canteen. I checked thoroughly.”

Those three were searching for Samira like crazy in the entire college. Ahan was trying to hide it but his face was showing concern for Samira. The classes,sports complex, science block. He was searching for Samira everywhere. His heart was beating fast thinking about the morning incident. He was blaming himself for everything. Even after searching everywhere, they could not find Samira anywhere. It was evening and almost dark.

The guards had also started taking everyone out. Arjun, “It seems she is not in the college, if she was here we would have found her by now”

On this Diya looked at both of them and said, “Yes and it seems that now the guards will not even let us stay in the college. Let us do one thing, we three will go out of the college from different entrances, this way we can search her in the college for the last time. I will go from the back gate, Ahan you go from the main gate and Arjun you go from the hostel gate. We three will meet at the bus stand outside the college”.

Both of them agreed with Diya and following her advice, all three of them went on different routes. The wrinkles of worry were not going away from the faces of all three. Ahan came out of the main gate looking everywhere but he could not find her anywhere.

Tired and exhausted, he went to the bus stand where Diya had asked him to meet. He was waiting for both of them there. And had been standing there for only 5 minutes when he saw Sourav's car stopping at the bus stand on the other side of the road. The car door opened and Samira got out of the car. Sourav, who came out from the other side, went towards her and started smiling while handing her a big dairy milk silk.She was also smiling broadly. After giving the chocolate, Sourav went back and sat in the car and started leaving. Samira was waving bye to him.

Ahan was getting angry seeing all this happening in front of his eyes. He went towards Samira in anger and stood in front of her. She was so busy in saying bye to Sourav that she did not see anyone coming near her. As soon as she took her eyes off Sourav's car, her eyes fell on him standing in front of her. As soon as she saw Ahan, the smile on her face disappeared. Ahan was staring into her eyes, anger was clearly visible in his eyes. Samira tried to ignore him and she started leaving from there. As soon as she took two steps, someone held her wrist tightly. Samira looked back and saw that him was holding her hand and he was turning red with anger.

Ahan asked her angrily, "Where were you? Where did you go with Sourav?” Samira tried to free her hand and said, “Why do you care? Leave my hand.” Saying this, she tried to free her hand with force, but Ahan's grip was stronger. He was still staring into her eyes. Before She could free her hand, Ahan's eyes fell on the bus coming. It was coming very fast, seeing the bus coming he pulled her towards him. He pulled Samira so hard that she was pulled like a light toy and landed in Ahan's arms.

She looked up and started looking at him. Ahan was looking at that fast moving bus and then looking down, he looked into Samira's eyes. Her eyes were red due to crying and were slightly swollen too. Even at that time her eyes were filled with tears. Seeing Samira like this, all of Ahan's anger cooled down. He let go of her hand and took a step away from her.

Samira, while adjusting her clothes, said, "What difference does it make to you where I was, with whom I was, if you were worried then this morning..." She suddenly stopped while saying this and her voice choked.

Ahan turned his face away from her and stood up and said with his back towards her, "You are right, I don't care, but you don't even care about the people who cares for you". Saying this, he left from there. Before Samira could say anything, her eyes fell on Diya and Arjun, running towards her.

Diya angrily said, "Samm where were you? Do You even know I have been looking for you since morning, if you had not come by now, we would have complained to the police".

Samira looked at both of them and said, "But if you were looking for me then you should have called me". On hearing this, Arjun said in a little anger, “Call? Accha!, we made so many calls but you did not answer even a single.”

“What? But I did not receive any call.” Saying this, Samira took out her phone from her jeans pocket. She was shocked as soon as she saw.

“121 missed calls, Oh shit! Sorry my phone was on silent, I had put it on silent in the class in the morning.” Samira said in a sad tone, “I am sorry guys, you all were troubled the whole day because of me.”

Diya held her hand and asked, “But where did you go without telling me, you could have just sent a message, and why are you crying.”

On Diya's asking, she started crying again and said, “That___that Ahan said that in the morning………….”

She told them the whole thing and sat on the bench crying.

Diya said confused, “But if he had done all this on purpose then why would he search for you like crazy in the whole college with us?”

Just then Arjun also asked Samira in between, “Yes he looked very upset, but where did he go? He was here right now”.

Samira also said in anger, “I don’t know where he went, he just came in anger and asked me where I went with Sourav and just left”.

Arjun and Diya shouted together and asked, “Were you with Sourav?”

Before Samira could say yes or no, Arjun put many questions in front of her,

“Did Ahan see you with him? Did they both come face to face? They Didn't they fight right? And… and what were you doing with that Sourav?”

Disturbed by his questions, Samira said in a slightly louder voice, “Oh! Will you keep asking only, or listen to anything?”

And she started telling them the whole story, “It so happened that when I ran away from there, I collided with Sourav and fell on the ground. I had never seen Sourav, I came to know later that he is Sourav. By the way, he isn't that bad, when he saw me crying, he took me out saying that I shouldn't cry in front of everyone here. He took me to the market complex near the college. And we just talked there for some time. I didn't feel bad about him at all. And he also apologized to me for the incident with the photos, he said, he was just having fun, he didn't know that the matter would become so big”

Arjun told her, “its Only you who think so, he is very clever and there is definitely some motive behind his every action”,

Diya said angrily, “Stop it you both, between Ahan and Sourav we forgot the main culprit. That Mohini, this time she has crossed all the lines, I have forgiven her once, but not now”.

“Okay, whatever happens, we will see it tomorrow, right now it's already too late, you wait here, I will bring the car and will drop you to your PG”. Saying this Arjun went towards the parking to get his car and they left the college.

On the way Arju  said, “To be honest I know that Ahan is a hard hearted person, he doesn’t respect others, he is also very grumpy, but no matter how rude he is,he never disrespects anyone in public,and you yourself told me that even that day when Mohini was troubling you it was him who saved you from there, I think there is some big misunderstanding”.

Hearing this Diya said in between, “So you mean to say that Ahan didn’t read the letter at all”?

“hmm yes maybe, now only Ahan can tell this, not right now but I will try to ask him later, don’t worry everything will be fine”.

Diya then said angrily, “But whatever happens, I will not leave that Mohini, abb yah toh woh nahi yah toh mei nahi.”

During all this Samira was sitting quietly and looking out of the car window. She was remembering her conversation with Ahan at the bus stand even though she did not want to. 'Was he really worried about me? If he had not really read the letter then why did he not tell me at the bus stand? Huh! What is happening in my life?"

Thinking this she closed her eyes in exhaustion. She reached her PG and without eating or drinking anything, just changed her clothes and went to sleep. She was having a severe headache and more than that she was tensed that if this was really a misunderstanding then how will she face Ahan after saying all this. Her head was about to explode with all these thoughts. Then Diya came with food and sat beside her. She held both her hands and lifted her up and started feeding her.

She just said, "Samm, I don't know how to help you in this situation, but I will definitely say that I am always with you."


So what do you think Does Ahan really cares??

And what's next now...

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Bye bye👋

-pritihearts 💕💕

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Sampriti Chakraborty

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