First Love Letter


Arjun knew Mohini very well, but he also knew that Diya would get furious if he told her too much about Mohini. He knew that Diya could fight with anyone for Samira, so he did not say much and only told her that Mohini was their schoolmate and always tried to woo Ahan.

He ended the conversation by saying, “But yes, Ahan never talks to her directly, gave any signal of liking towards her”.

Mohini was the daughter of a very big property dealer. Her father and Ahan's father were very close friends. Mohini’s father used to suggest and bring deal land for Ahan's and Arjun's fathers new projects. Mohini considered Ahan, her property because of this. She thought that one day their families would get them married. And the truth was that her pride was also due to this. But Arjun did not want to anger Diya or break Samira's heart by telling all these things.

Changing the topic, he asked, “Okay, enough of talking about Mohini, now tell me what you thought, how will you express your love?” Diya said while sitting with Samira, “Yaar, to be honest, I am not able to understand why Samm will express her love, I mean boys express their love first, right?” Arjun laughed at this and said, “Yes, but for that, the boy should also be in love, and as far as Ahan is concerned, he cannot love anyone, let alone Samira.” She completely agreed with Arjun and without arguing on anything, she said, “I don’t care what his answer will be, I just want to tell him what is in my heart, but I am not able to understand how to tell him, I don’t have the courage to say anything face to face, I wish something happens so that I don’t have to say anything to him face to face and I can tell him what I want to say.” “Write a letter”. Diya said this without thinking anything but Arjun and Samira were very impressed by her words. “Oh! This is a very good idea, you seem to be a genius in these matters”,

Arjun said getting impressed. On this Samira also laughed happily and said, “Wow! Really Diyuuu you are great”.

On hearing this Diya also laughed softly and said, “What?? The idea is really good?, I just said it like that."

“Good? Oh no good, it's great" Samira said confidently, “That’s right, I write letters, in it I can write all the things of my heart without any hesitation”.

Arjun said while getting up, “Okay, now if this love puran is over then let’s attend the next lecture?, anyway I missed the morning lecture too”.

Diya had given the idea but now the responsibility of writing the letter was completely on Samira. Now the time had come to use whatever she had learnt by reading Romantic Novels at the right place. But she did not want to leave any stone unturned, so she decided that she would give the letter to Ahan after 2 days. First she would write the letter properly.

She used to attend all the lectures daily without missing a single class. Even if it was just on the pretext of seeing Ahan and sitting with him, she used to come to college on time every day and used to observe him very closely. Every word, every thing of his started becoming very important for her. One of those things was his Golden Pen.

Whenever Ahan used to solve any Math problem, he used to keep his normal pen aside and take out that Golden Pen and used to solve the problem with that only. She had also asked him about that pen but he did not show any special interest in answering her.

Finally the day had come when Samira was going to give the letter to Ahan. She was very nervous since morning and was reading that letter again and again so that there is no mistake in it. Because of the letter, she was late for college today. She kept the letter in her Maths book and ran towards the college.

She reached the class 5 minutes late and entered the class without looking at anything. Their Maths professor Kashyap sir was in the class, but since the class had not started yet, he asked Samira to sit on her seat without saying anything.

Shr smiled as usual on seeing him and happily went and sat with him.

Half an hour had passed since the class started. Their class was completely quiet because all the students were sitting quietly and solving the questions given by Kashyap sir.

Then suddenly breaking that silence, a boy stood up and said, “Sir, which formula will be used in the second part of the 5th question.”

Kashyap sir picked up a book from the first bench and as soon as he opened it to see the question, a pink envelope fell on the ground from inside. And all the students sitting in the first row looked at that envelope.

“Ohh shit! I had forgotten about this”, Samira eyes were wide open.

As soon as Kashyap sir bent down and picked up that envelope, Samira stood up shouting loudly.

“ssssiirrrrr!” Hearing her voice, everyone looked at her in surprise. Seeing the pink envelope, Arjun understood that this was Samira's letter.

Opening the envelope, Kashyap sir said, “What is it girl? Why are you shouting?”

She understood that now the situation was not in her hands. The love letter that she had written for Ahan with so much effort was now going to be read by Kashyap sir. Seeing sir opening the envelope, she could not think of anything else and snatching the letter from sir's hand, she ran away from the class. Sir was shocked and asked, “Why did this girl run away?”. Meanwhile Arjun also got up from his seat and said, “I will go and ask Sir!” Saying this he also ran after her. “He also ran away! But where are you going?” Kashyap Sir wanted to ask by shouting. Just then Diya also got up in a hurry and said, “I will go and ask Sir”, and she also ran after him.

Meanwhile the bell for class to be over also rang. Samira was just running without listening to anything or looking back. She stopped running only after reaching the roof of the college. She had just stopped panting when Arjun and Diya  also reached there running behind her.

Diya said panting, “Samm thank God we r save, otherwise your love letter would have been broadcast in front of the whole class”. Meanwhile Arjun also said, “Why nothing ever goes right with you, whenever I see you, you are stuck in some trouble or the other, you should get some Shanti Hawan done yarr”. Hearing Arjun all three of them started laughing.

Samira said looking at the letter, “No, now I will go and give this letter to Ahan, it's not safe with me at all”.

“But I don't have the courage to go and give him the letter face to face, Arjun, you have to do this work now, you just go to the library and put this letter in his book by any means”, saying this Samira gave that letter to Arjun.

Diya agreed with Samira and said, “Yes, this will be right, this way the letter will reach Ahan and you won't even have to go in front of him”. Arjun too agreed, taking the letter in his hand he teased Samira and said, “I am thinking to charge you monthly for helping you”.

Hearing Arjun,all three of them started laughing again.

Samira might have been laughing in front of everyone, but the truth was that she was very nervous. She was just thinking about how Ahan would react after seeing the letter.

What if he gets angry.

What if he complains to the teachers?

All these thoughts were troubling her for the last two days. She had neither been able to sleep properly, nor had she been able to eat properly.

Now the Confits of her heart has really started driving her crazy.

Arjun had done his work,when Ahan went out of the library to attend a call, he secretly put the letter given by in one of Ahan's books and came back from there. Arjun had unknowingly put that letter in the same novel which Ahan had exchanged with Samira once.

Samira didn't stay in college for any other class that day and came back to PG alone. Now she had to gather courage to face Ahan for which she had to stay alone for some time.

The next day she got ready to go to college with full confidence. She looked very happy.

“You always keep smiling in every situation, but what happened, today you look a little more happy.” Diya asked very excitedly, “What happened, did Ahan accept your proposal?”

Samira couldn't stop smile “Oh no, nothing like that. I am just happy, I'm feeling very light after giving him the letter.” Both went to college talking about this.

On reaching the class, Samira saw Ahan was sitting on his seat and playing mobile game. She went towards him smiling happily.

She said while sitting on her seat, “What's the matter? Do toppers also play games?” Ahan replied without looking at her while playing on his phone, “Why? Is there any rule that toppers cannot play games?” Meanwhile their professor came to the class and they all got busy in the class. Samira was thinking throughout the class whether Ahan read that letter or not. “But if he had read the letter, he would have reacted in some way, he's behaving very normally. Has he received the letter or not? I don't know what to do, Diya is in the fashion society and Arjun also hasn't come yet.” She was getting worried thinking all this. Meanwhile the class also got over and Ahan went to the library as usual. Samira was sitting alone in the class for a long time and was playing the same game after downloading which she had seen Ahan playing a while ago. Now only 10 minutes were left for the next class to start and slowly all the other students also started coming to the class. Samira got up for a while and stood outside the class. She was still playing the game when someone called her name in a familiar voice.

"Samira! Samira! How are you?" Samira looked back and saw Mohini coming towards her with her friend. Seeing her coming, her whole mood got spoiled. She did not want to fight with her again on any issue, so she ignored her and started leaving from there.

Mohini stopped her and said, "What happened? It seems you are not happy to see me. But I came only to ask, which cheap tricks are you trying today to impress Ahan?"

Samira could not resist replying to Mohini and turned back and said, "Have you thought everyone is like you? After all, who are you? Well, whatever you are, leave me alone, I have no interest in listening to your nonsense, if you have so much free time, then go and focus on your grades, study and come to the seat next to Ahan". For the first time in so many years someone had insulted Mohini so openly. Mohini herself was surprised that how could someone say this to her in front of everyone. She had no answer to Samira's words.

And if there was anything, it was anger.

Samira gave him a devil smile and started going back to her class. She was about to step inside when Ahan called her from behind. She turned back and saw that in the crowd of students going towards their classes, Ahan was coming towards her with a pink envelope in his hand. Seeing him coming with the letter, all the expressions on Samira's face changed.

Her face turned pale.

Ahan said in his usual cold voice, pointing the letter towards her, "What is this? I found it in my book. This letter is in your name".

Samira quickly extended her hand to catch the letter, but before she could catch the letter, Mohini took the letter from Ahan's hand and started opening it without looking here and there. Ahan did not pay any attention to this whole thing and he went to the class. Samira wanted to snatch the letter from Mohini but Mohini's friend Anjali came in front of her. Mohini started reading her letter loudly in front of everyone. Ahan had just taken two steps in the class stopped as soon as he heard the first line of the letter in Mohini's voice.

"Dear Ahan!

You can consider this as my love confession and if you don't want to consider it, you can return the letter by marking the grammatical mistakes. From the very first day of college, my life seems to have been around you." Mohini read the entire letter in front of everyone while laughing loudly.

Tears started flowing from Samira's eyes by themselves. She saw all the students standing around laughing and she pushed Anjali aside and snatched the letter from Mohini's hand.

After holding the letter, she turned back and looked at Ahan. He was standing still at his place. Samira ran to him and angrily kicked Ahan's right leg like a small child and ran away from there.


Okay I did feel bad for Samira while writing this. Tell me your thoughts and please like this chapter..See you in the next one ..

Bye bye 👋

-pritihearts 💞💞

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