Maybe The First kiss

Author's Pov

On Sunday morning, Diya and Samira got ready early and reached the college gate, where Arjun also came to pick them up in his car.While going towards the shopping complex, Ahan's house came in the middle, pointing towards which he said, "This bungalow you are seeing, this is Ahan's house".

Ahan's house was not a house but a mansion. A big entry gate which was even bigger than their college gate. Garden, swimming pool, running track, everything was inside the walls of the house. Seeing that house, both Samira and Diya were left speechless.

The three did a good shopping and Arjun dropped them back to the college.


Now the date of the freshers party was also very near and the preparations of all three were also complete. A day before the party, when Samira was returning after getting some assignments photocopies, she saw Ahan sitting on a bench in the lawn garden of the college. He was sitting on the bench and doing something on his laptop. Samira, out of curiosity and to see Ahan closely, went towards him and sat next to him. Feeling shy, she thought, "He didn't even notice me. I have to find an excuse to talk to him".

Then her eyes went to the assignments and she handed over the assignment to Ahan and said, "Hello Ahan, I am not able to understand this 10th question at all, can you help me".

Ahan took the assignments from Samira and said, "Oh hi Samira, ......yes of course". Ahan explained the entire question to her but the entire time Samira's eyes were only on Ahan. She was only looking at him and was lost in her thoughts. After completing the question, Ahan gave back the assignment to Samira and closing his laptop, started to leave. Samira then asked Ahan directly. "By the way, what were you doing on your laptop sitting here at this time".

"Oh this! I was booking tickets for a very big seminar in New Delhi tomorrow". Saying this, he put the laptop in the bag.

On hearing Ahan's words, Samira felt as if the ground slipped from under her feet.

'What?? Seminar??.....So he won't come to the party tomorrow?' Samira thought in her mind and said to Ahan, "But tomorrow......". Samira had not even finished speaking when Ahan's phone rang. He got up from the bench and said, "This is an important call, I have to attend it". And he left from there.

All of Samira's dreams seemed to have been shattered. "What? Does this mean Ahan won't come to the freshers party tomorrow? If he goes to the seminar tomorrow, then what about the party. I had done so much preparation, which means all of it went to waste. What should I do now?.........DIYAAAAA!....She must have also gone back to the PG". Samira got worried and walked towards her PG.

When she reached PG, she saw Diya wearing a sheet mask and lying on her bed, using her phone. Seeing Diya, Nikita started crying like a little girl. Hearing her voice, Diya sat up and looking at her said, "What happened, who scolded my Sam?"

Keeping all her belongings aside,

Samira came to Diya and putting her head in her lap said, "God has probably written the fate of your Sam with a black pen. I had made all the preparations for tomorrow's party with so much difficulty and now I am getting to know that the person for whom I had done everything is not going to attend a party tomorrow but a seminar."

"What? Seminar? But who misses their freshers party. Really, he is such a weirdo!" Diya said this and then seeing Nikita sad, she said while caressing her head, "But! So what if he is not coming. Everyone else is coming, right? Are all of us not enough for you? Don't worry, you will get ready as per the plan and go to the party tomorrow and enjoy a lot. OK??"

As usual, Samira's mood was uplifted after listening to Diya.She smiled at

Diya and said, "Yes! Everyone else will be there, you are right, why should I ruin my freshers party because of him?"

After a long wait, the day of the freshers party finally arrived. It was like a fair in the college since morning. The whole college was decorated and different types of games were being played at different counters. The real party was to be held at night, which was eagerly awaited. Entries also started from 7 pm. It was as if no one was recognizable that day. It looked less like a college entrance and more like a red carpet of a fashion show.

Diya was the first to enter the college gate. She was wearing a very beautiful full length dress of red color which was shining a lot. Her long hair was curled. She looked like a model with heels and lipstick and amazing confidence on her face.

The second person to enter after Diya was Arjun. He usually wears casuals and spectacles but was unrecognizable today in his navy blue suit that day. He was wearing lenses instead of spectacles and an expensive wrist watch and was looking very handsome that day.

After Arjun, Samira entered for whom everyone was waiting. In a knee length short black dress and black long boots, she looked like a fashion vlogger. Diya had styled her shoulder length hair in such a way that she, who used to look like a child looked mature that day.

All the freshers looked very good. The party started, teachers, students, everyone was enjoying a lot. But Samira was still little sad. She was thinking that it would have been good if Ahan had also come. She came alone towards the main entrance where some students were taking down the banner on the gate. A banner of white cloth on which was written WELCOME in big letters. As it was hanging down from one side, some people were climbing the ladder to fix it. Samira was slowly walking towards the main gate. Lost in her thoughts, she was just a little away from the gate when her eyes fell on a person whom her eyes were searching for since a long time.

Ahan entered the gate! In a black coloured suit, he looked like a groom of a church wedding. He looked very handsome with shiny black shoes, black tie and well styled hair. For a moment, he did not look like a college student but a model. Seeing Ahan, Samira seemed to be overwhelmed with happiness. She ran towards him and waited for Ahan to look at her.

As soon as Ahan turned back and looked at Samiar, the banner hanging above fell on Samira. Seeing something falling from above, Ahan jumped in the air and pushed Samira and both of them fell on the ground. Samira at the bottom, banner in the middle and Ahan above her, who balanced himself to avoid crushing her with his weight but their lips were touching each other. Actually, there was a banner sheet between their lips. But both of them were very close. Both of their hearts were beating very fast. Realizing the situation, they got up suddenly and started dusting their clothes.

Both of their cheeks had turned red. Avoiding eye contact, Samira asked him, "Did you get hurt anywhere? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine, you were not hurt right?" Ahan also asked.

"Yes, I am also fine. I am sorry, all this happened because of me". Interrupting Samiar, Ahan said, "No its okay, forget whatever happened now". And saying this, he left from there. Ahan took his eyes off Samira and put his hand on his heart, for the first time in his life, Ahan's heart was beating so fast because of a girl. Samira also started walking towards the party behind him. As soon as she took the first step, she realised that her foot was sprained. Hearing Samira's painful sigh, Ahan immediately turned and quickly went to her, "What happened, is everything alright?"

Samira said unwillingly, "It seems I have sprained my foot, it doesn't matter, I am fine, you go enjoy your party".

Despite her repeated refusals, Ahan took her aside and made her sit without answering a single word of hers. Holding her foot, he slowly removed her boots and slowly started moving her foot. Samira said to him in fear and pain, "Hey, there is no need for all this, I am fine".

Ahan twisted her foot without saying anything, without any warning. Samira screamed loudly and closed her eyes holding Ahan's shoulder. He gently placed Samira's foot on the ground and stood up and said, "Enough, don't do too much drama now, your foot is fine now".

Saying this, he started walking towards the party. Samira shook her foot, "Oh, it's really fine!". She quickly got up and started walking with Ahan and said, "You said that you will go to a seminar today, so how will you go to the party?"

Ahan said without looking at Samira, "Yes, but the seminar was during the day, and who misses their freshers party". Samira started smiling looking at the ground.

Both of them went to the party, Samira went ahead looking for Diya and Ahan, seeing Arjun, went towards him.

Diya gave a cold drink to Samira and said, "Where did you go? I was looking for you everywhere".

She went near Diya's ear and said, " Ahan has come to the party?" Diya said happily, "Really?, ......but you said that he had gone to some seminar, then how did he suddenly come to the party?"

"Yes, he had gone to the seminar but it got over during the day itself, that's why he came just now." Samira was blushing while saying this.

Everyone was enjoying the party when suddenly notifications started coming on everyone's phone simultaneously. Someone had created a chat group of their class and shared some photos in it.

Everyone started talking after seeing the photos and Samira's face turned pale. Someone had shared some photos of her and Ahan's in that group. In one photo, they were lying on the ground, Ahan was on top of Samira and the photo of them kissing and in another photo, Ahan sitting on his knees in front of Samira,who had her hand on Ahan's shoulder.

These photos had been sent to everyone in their class group and everyone was looking at Samira with strange eyes. Seeing everyone laughing at her, she ran away from there. Seeing her running, Doya also started running after her. Seeing her crying and running, Arjun also followed them. And the strangest thing in all this was that Arjun was also running behind them.

Samira stopped at a bus stand outside the college while running,sat on the bench and started crying. After a while Diya reached there and sat in front of Samira and said, "Samm why are you running, and first of all don't cry, and tell me the whole story, what happened and who took these photos".

"How do you girls run so fast". Arjun reached there running and said panting. "Sammm why are you crying, and who took these photos"?

She was not making eye contact with any of them, she told them, "It was just an accident, I did not know that someone would take a photo and create a group chat and post it like this".

Arjun took off his coat and covered Samira with it and while sitting.He said, "Someone has done all this on purpose, otherwise why would someone suddenly create a group chat of the entire class and share these photos in it, .....was there anyone around whom you saw"?

Samira started wiping her tears while refusing. Just then Ahan reached running. Seeing Jay, Arjun got up and went towards him and asked, "Whose work is this Ahan, any idea?"

Ahan looked at Samira for a moment then took a breath and said, "ofcourse, who do you think this could be. Just see the number of the person who created the group".

Arjun took out his phone and opened the group and saw, "Sourav! This is Sourav's number, isn't it? .....this Sourav has not improved even in college"?

"Who Sourav?" Diya and Samira said together. But Arjun did not listen to them and said to Ahan, "If this is Sourav's work, then it means that these photos must have reached your parents as well".

On hearing Arjun, both the girls stood up in shock and shouted, "What???? Parents???" Arjun and Ahan again ignored them. Ahan took a pause and said, "Yes, they must have reached by now and i can call me anytime...."

Ahan had not even finished speaking when his phone rang, it was his father's call. He picked up the phone and did not say anything, just listened and then kept the phone and said, "I have to go home now, Arjun you take care of everything here". Saying this, he started leaving from there. Just then Samira spoke, "Sorry all this is happening because of me". Without looking back, Ahan looked to the side and said, "It is not your fault, all this happened for me. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Now don't think too much, what happened was just an accident." Saying this, he left.


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Sampriti Chakraborty

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