Samira could not believe that whatever had happened to her today was true or not. All the way from college to PG, she had been telling Diya that Ahan had taken her name, personally talked to her and even returned her book to her. In PG also, she was only saying "Ahan" "Ahan".

Diya said in frustration, “Do you have any plans to sleep tonight? Or do you want to chant Ahan's name all night? If it is so, then go out and let me sleep”.

Laughing, she looked at her and said, “Okay sorry! Go to sleep, I will not say anything now”. Saying this, she covered herself from head to toe in a sheet and went to sleep.

But if you are in love and you fall asleep, then what kind of love is that?

Even after trying a lot, she was not able to sleep. It seemed as if sleep had disappeared from her eyes. Seeing Diya asleep, she became restless and started thinking, “No! I don’t want to wake her up, the poor girl has run a lot today for me. But what should I do now,I am not able to sleep at all”. Samira started laughing to herself while looking at the fan rotating above her head. As soon as she closed her eyes, she saw Ahan coming towards her with his book in his hand.

Talking to herself in her thoughts, she asked, “What should I do so that my image becomes good in front of Ahan? Anyway, my first impression has been spoiled. I will have to befriend him somehow, but how? Apart from his name and him being a topper, I don’t know anything about him”.

As soon as she turned over, troubled by the questions, looking at her phone lying on the table, an idea came to her mind, “Oh, how did I forget this, this is the 21st century, it is not so difficult to find anyone here. I will check Facebook and Instagram, maybe I will get to know something new about Ahan”.

Feeling happy with herself, she slowly picked up her phone and hid herself back in the sheet. As soon as she clicked on Ahan's profile on Instagram, she was stunned. Ahan loved travelling and he often went to some beautiful foreign destination on his holidays. Seeing the photos of big holiday destinations like Thailand, Germany, Europe and Switzerland in his profile, Samira could not believe it.

She thought, "Hah! he has visited so many countries. I had never even dreamt about this situation. How can Ahan, who travels abroad, like a girl like me. My dreams have ended once again as soon as they started." Thinking this, Samira shut down the phone without sending him a friend request and closed her eyes and hid under the blanket.

The next morning, Diya could not stop laughing after seeing Nikita's swollen eyes and finally she said, "So you did not sleep for even a minute last night, but what happened? You were very happy till I went to sleep, then why is your face gloomy now?"

Samira opened Ahan's profile in her phone without saying anything,handed the phone to Diya. Diya's reaction after seeing Ahan's profile was also similar to Samira's. She was also stunned. "Wowwww! This guy turned out to be awesome. He looks no less than a model in all these pictures", she said while looking at the phone.

Seeing him praising her, she said, "I have not shown you all this to make you happy, but to make you sad about my bad luck", and while saying this she got up from the bed.

Diya who was very impressed after seeing Ahan's profile, said listening to Samira, "But what is your problem with all this?"

She sat back with a sad face and said, “Just now you yourself said that this guy is so cool. So you tell me how can this cool guy like a simple girl like me”.

Diya hugged her lovingly with both her hands and said, “You are right but before coming to any conclusion we will have to find out about Ahan thoroughly. Who is he? What is his family background? What is his taste? Everything… Come on Samm, get ready quickly, today we will find out everything about Ahan”. Saying this, Diya quickly got up from the bed.

Seeing her excitement, she looked at Diyaa lovingly and said, “If you were not there then what would have happened to me in this city. I love you the most”.

Both of them had thought about everything but they had no idea how to execute this plan. All the way from PG to college, they kept thinking about how to find out about Ahan. As soon as she reached the class gate, Samira's eyes fell on Ahan. He was sitting on his seat and solving some problems with Arjun. Both of them had just stepped into the class when Samira caught Diya's hand and pulled her out of the class.

Samira said happily, " I have found a way to get information about Ahan". Diya looked inside the class and then looked at he, "Arjun??"

Samira nodded in agreement and said, "Maybe he knows Ahan personally. Yesterday when we were introduced, he said that he is more intelligent than Ahan, maybe he knows Ahan".

Their research was still going on when professor Anna's voice came from behind, "Come on, let's go to the class, you can discuss the rest of the things in the class, right now I have to make some important announcement".

All Anna

Everyone liked Mam a lot and would listen to her as soon as she came.

As soon as everyone settled down, Miss Anna said, “Today I have brought a very exciting news for all of you. Next week..... you all have a Freshers Party”. The whole class shouted in joy after hearing Anna Ma'am's words. Everyone was very excited about the Freshers party, and why not, Freshers party is every college student's fantasy. Freshers day is the best opportunity to make yourself popular in the college.

After the class was over, Samira and Diya were again following someone. No! This time it was not Ahan but Arjun who was being followed. Both of them were noticing Tarun.

Samira asked Diya, “Arjun, seems a bit worried today?”

Arjun was going towards the canteen, he went inside looking a bit worried and sat in a corner. Both of them also took the opportunity and went and sat next to him.

Samira sat on the chair next to Arjun and said, “What happened Arjun? From class to canteen we saw you looking a bit worried, is everything alright?” He looked at her and said, “Oh! Nikita, you here, ........no nothing, just like that.”

She said once again, “No, there is something. Your face is telling that you are worried, you can tell us. After all we are classmates.”

Arjun looked at her with innocent eyes and said, “Actually I am a bit nervous about the freshers party. Freshers Night is my dream like everyone else, but in the name of fashion, everything is black for me. I was just thinking what should I wear so that I look like an icon in front of everyone.”

After listening to his words, Samira saw her life. “In this I am also with you Arjun, in the name of fashion, everything is like a black letter for me. I also don’t know anything like you.”

Diya interrupted them and said, “You both are worried about what to wear? Seriously? I am here right now. If you don’t know, then let me tell you that I have won the first prize in modelling in my school days. And my name is also in the top 3 new faces in the college fashion society. It will be better if you don’t worry about this while I am here”.

He looked at Diya and said, “You are in our class, right… Diya?? This was the name you told during the introduction, right? Hello, Nice to meet you”.

She said, “Hello! Yes right Diya, I am your classmate and Sam ’s roommate too”.

Arjun asked happily, “So will you really help us for our party?”

She went towards her plan and said, “Ours?? Sorry?? Not ours, only Samira’s, why should I help you. What will I get out of that?”

Arjun put the profitable deal in front of her and said, “If you help me, I promise you that I will help you throughout the semester, in all your doubts, assignments and projects”.

Diya cleverly changed the topic and said, “Ha! Don’t forget my roommate is the second topper of the class, if I need to ask anything, I can ask her. Yes, but you can help me in one way”.

She looked at Samira who was herself looking at Diya with confusion. “Okay, then tell me how can I help you”?

Diya very happily asked the first question, “what and How much do you know about Ahan?” Arjun looked at Diya with suspicious eyes and said, “Ahan and I have studied together since childhood. Apart from being classmates, we are also family friends”.

Samira was now understanding Diya’s plan and her happiness had reached the seventh sky. She thought in his mind, “Wow Diya you are a genius, what a great plan you have made”.

Diya further said “The more you tell me about him the more I will help you in your party, this is my promise”.

Arjun without any hesitation said "I have to tell me about Ahan right? What is the big deal in that. I will tell you about him just like that”.

He started telling further “Ahan, is the only son of Narayan Malhotra, owner of the very famous Sky line Builders and enterprises of Delhi. Not only this, Ahan's mother owns a very famous skin care line company 'THE CARE'. Ahna has lived a luxurious life since childhood. A car always used to come to pick him up and drop him to school. And now he comes to college in his own car. We studied together but we don’t get along well. I mean I don’t think he is intelligent, he tops only because of his family’s power”.

Arjun asked her “what else do you want to know”?

Diya asked in a very serious tone “and girlfriends? How is Ahan when it comes to girls”?

He started speaking again “hmmm! I don’t know about Ahan in this matter but girls definitely go crazy after him. I don’t know what is it about him that they just keep following him. But Ahan never pays much attention to anyone. I always want him to have a love affair, at least he will get distracted from his studies by falling in love.Now I have told you all about Ahan. Yes, but if you are after him then let me tell you that it will not be so easy to divert his attention”.

Both of them were already surprised and worried after listening to Arjun and Samira had lost all hopes. 'Both of them would meet Arjun in the next class'.Saying this, they left and sat in the garden.

Samira made a sad face and said, “See Diya, I told you, God has written my fate with a black pen. See how he broke all my dreams in one go”. She was sounding very sad. “What should I do now, I don’t even match him in anyway. Maybe love is not written in my fate”.

Diya motivated Samira and said, “So what if his status is very high. He will not find a pure and innocent girl like you anywhere. And as far as impressing him is concerned, I will prepare you in such a way for the freshers party that not only Ahan but all the boys will like you only after me”.

On hearing her, Samira could not stop her laughter even though she wanted to and started laughing loudly. Just then a voice came from behind, “Hey! Why Did you both come running without saying anything”. Arjun followed them to the garden and sat with them. “I have told you everything, now it is my turn, what should I wear for the freshers party?”

Diya got up from the middle and said, “First of all we have to go shopping, it is my responsibility to take you both to  shopping”.

On this Arjun told them, “There is a very good shopping complex near my house, let’s go there this Sunday”.

On hearing this Samira got excited and said, “Is your house also near Ahan's house?”

“Yes, it is very close, we live in the same locality”.

Diya continued her talk and said, “It is decided then, this year’s freshers party will be in the name of the three of us”.


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Sampriti Chakraborty

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