First Encounter

Author's Pov

It's a rainy day of Delhi Sam was going for collage in auto. It was her first day and she is already running late, in annoyance she mummered " Bola Tha Sam, Novel ka next chapter kal pardh lena, but nahi ak chapter aur ak chapter aur karte karte puri novel ek hei din mei pardhni hai."(told u to sleep you being you..wanted to read the entire novel in a day.)"But yarr. It's was soo romantic Ravi and Pooja were about to kiss, that's when my alarm rang and it was collage time" she said smiling and complaining to herself. She reached collage

Samira and Diya were very close to each other Apart from being childhood friends they are now roommates, as well as classmates. On Sam's request, Diya left for college alone in the morning and was waiting for her.

Seeing her coming inside from the collage gate, Diya called her from the first floor,"SAM OUR CLASS IS ON THE 1st FLOOR, COME FAST"

Hearing Diya's voice,

Sam started mummering " oh God why is Diya shouting my name in front of the whole college, I don't know what problem she has in calling on phone?!!!"

Looking at Diya, Sam gestured and asked her to go. While She was running towards the main building of the college when she collided with someone and fell down on the ground with a loud bang. Sam, her mobile,the romantic novel in her hand and the college books all fell on the ground.

Now this collision is like putting oil to fire. Seeing all the things fallen on the ground Sam groaned sitting up in annoyance and starting scolding the person without even looking at him"I dont know whats wrong with me today..Don't you have eyes, or bumping into others is a ritual in Delhi??" But As she looked up she saw a boy of 6 feet,wearing a while T-shirt and black denim jacket was very calmly picking his own books from the ground

Fair complexion, well defined jawline body with lean muscles, and a extremely handsome face. Sam,who was about 5 feet 6 inches tall, went into silence for some time as soon as she saw him. All her anger cooled down like dew drops. It was as if romantic song is played in the background, like DDLJ and it was as if the charachter of her novel are coming true.

All this was going on in her mind when the unknown boy stood up collecting his things. , and went away without even glancing at her.

While doing this she was getting a call from Diya picking up she quickly said

"Aha, ha, Diya, I will just came."Saying this, she disconnected the phone without giving her a chance to say anything.

She was walking towards the building when her eyes fell on the books held in her hand."Araa, what is this, a brief history of time, but I was reading a romantic nove!!Ah ohho my novel has been exchanged with that boy. This means i will get a chance to see him once again. I have a 30 minutes more for class, what should i do, what should I do, let me go once and try to find him, maybe I will find my Ravi here today. " thinking she went to find that unknown guy.

This Samira, who used to call herself problems ki dukhan, she can't even sit at a place and study an hour continuously But still she always surprises everyone by becoming one of the top rank holders.

She was five feet five inches tall and had fair complexion. Shoulder length hair cute, After so many reading romantic novels, she considered the whole world to be a story. But in realiry her love life is NIL, till date I had never beenable to talk any boy lovingly,even her school crush had remained only a crush till date.

Even after searching from one class to another for about 45 to 50 minutes minutes Sam couldn't find anything. After geting defeated, she went back to her class.

"I Searched in the entire college, God  know whether he belong to this college or not." Mummering she Looked at her watch

"On God I'm 30 minutes late, the hall are also empty, it's first so maybe the professor might not scold today for being late" she hurried to the class.

Reaching the class she saw towards the teacher's podium, where a beautiful lady wearing a red colored kurti and blue jeans was standing, around thirty years of age, with fair complexion and Very

beautiful face. "ma'am, I am Samira Chakraborty, a student of this class, sorry ma'am I was late in coming, this won't happen again." Sam said

The teacher looked back smilingly and said in a sweet voice,

"Hello Samira, come in, I am your English professor, Anna D'suja.come here, you are not too late, everyone has just given their

introduction.Come, you also introduce yourself quickly.

Samira went to the front of the class smiling with full confidence and started introducing herself. "My name is Samira Chakraborty am a resident of Kolkata and have come to study in Delhi after securing in the top three in my state." She Said.

As soon as she finished in excitement Anna maam said "great so u r the 2nd topper of this college, We have Ahan Malhotra the topper and Arjun Kundra the 3rd topper. Samira go Sit there Beside Ahan"  Mrs Anna pointed towards a seat

She moved towards that seat and as soon as she saw Ahan, she was surprised and said in her mind

"Hey, this is the same boy, whom I was searching for in the whole campus, he is my classmish. Oh God, your games are also unique" Ahan was just lost in his books. He did not look at her even

once. .

Samira as if was her Immersed in her wn world of dreams, she went and sat on the seat next to Ahan smilingly. For a while she was in her imaginations. And said "Hii" When she did not get a reply, this time she said in a slightly higher tone, 'Hello, I am talking to you"

Ahan replied in a heavy and deep voice"I don't talk to strangers" saying this he stood up from his seat,

As soon as he stood up, the time for the period to ended,then did she remember, "Af cos I was half an hour late" She took a deep breath and she hear a boy's voice.

"Hi I'm Arjun 3rd Topper, see I'm better in studies than You And Ahan both, it's just my luck isn't in favour"

Nikita's eyes lit up again and she got very excited and asked, "Do you know him? I mean, do you know Ahan?" Arjun hurriedly replied. Getting up from the seat, "yes I know, but right now I

am in a hurry, I have to go to the library and solve the new sample papers,

see you later."

Saying this, he hurriedly left the class and Sam didn't get a chance to say anything else. Just then Diya came towards her sitting next to her she asked, "Yes, Devi ji!! What took you an hour to come from the gate to the class room? Tell me the truth, where were you roaming? If you wanted to bunk the class then you would have told me,I also want to bunk the class, but till yesterday you were very excited about the new college and new classes, then what

happened that you had to bunk the class on the very first day" Diya was saying it in just one breath, and Sam couldn't stop herself from laughing just looking at her. Somehow she stopped laughing and said,

"Aree Baba, let me also speak!

I didn't bunk any class, if I had to bunk the class then why would I come? I was really late due to some"

"Who is this someone?" Diya asked

Sam shyly said, "Hearing you, when I was coming towards the class, I bumped into a boy and when I looked back at him, I was on cloud ☁️ nine" she spoke dreamly.

"Ok ok but you're lucky that it was Ana ma'am or else you would have got scolding, yarr Sam how can someone be so beautiful? Miss Ana's Personality is so cool when she speaks everyone just admires her,listens to her" Sam started laughing Hearing this

"I don't know about the girls but you must have been admiring her alot huh??.

It sounds a bit strange to say but you have a great weakness for beautiful girls." with that then both of them started laughing.

After some time, Diya calmed down and asked, "So did you meet your Mr Hasome and how was your first impression?!"

Samira looked around and went near Tanisha's ear and said,

"The boy whom I had been searching for in the entire college was nowhere else but found in this class."

Diya was also a little surprised and asked

softly. "In this class?? Who is he?"

As soon as Samira told her 'Ahan's name', Diya Shouted and said "WHAT? AHAN?" She quivky her mouth with her hand,and dragging Diya out of the class she said said

"Yeahh very good shout louder, I will give you a microphone. Announce his name to everyone today itself " Sam taunted.

Diya calmed herseld down and took her hand off her mouth and spoke, "Okay, sorry, but why couldn't you find someone else."

Samira looked at her with squinty eyes before hitting her and said

"Why, what's the problem with Ahan? He is so smart, hot.." interruption Diya said "Ohh you Mr smart. Is not just intelligent

I have heard that he is very arrogant and short-tempered." Diya couldn't even

inished her sentence when Samira again asked in excitement "Diyaaa, you were in the class at the time of the introduction, right?

Tell me what he told about himself."

Diya took a deep breath before speaking, "This is the first time I have seen you so interested in someone. What's the matter, Sam?" To which she said, "Hey, don't

think too much, tell me Na!!, what did he say in the introduction?"

Then Diya said "His words were nothing special, he was just praising himself. He

told that his name is Ahan Malhotra, people call him 'God of Solutions' there no such problem in text books which he can't solve. And he is from Delhi and has topped his board. His each word was only dripping with arrogance, Sam, I am already telling you that if you are after him, then it's not going to be easy for you. Samira interrupted her  and said," Yes Yarr, you are absolutely right.He is not only arrogant but also forgetful. See na, we collided this morning only and when I said hello to him in class, he said that 'I don't talk to strangers.'

Stranger, he called me as strange as if he had not bumped into me the morning, I even have his book. "

While saying this, Samira's eyes fell on the novel in her hand,and said,

"Oh shit, Igot so excited finding him in my class that I forgot to exchange books. Diya, when we met this morning, our books got exchanged by mistake. It seems he hasn't seen his book yet, otherwise he would have been searching for his book"

Diya got shocked and said, "Novel Exchange, don't tell me,Your romantic novel went to him"  to this Nikita said yes..


So what do you think is gonna happen next. Join me in this story to know more.

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Sampriti Chakraborty

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